I draw from a blend of powerful integrative modalities for relational healing and trauma resolution to help you access and trust your innate healing process so you bring the most authentic version of your Self into relationship with skill and nuance.
STAIR is an integrative methodology that offers a framework to support power-with collaborative relationships and brain wise healing. The STAIR Method was developed by Juliane Taylor Shore and is based in the science of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB). STAIR supports folks in growing self trust and listening more deeply to the wisdom of their experiences with more nuance. STAIR is an acronym for Self-Trust And Integrated Resilience. I’m am among the first cohort certified in the STAIR Method and directly mentored by Jules.
SE transforms emotional and early developmental attachment trauma through witnessing where you may be “stuck” in fight, flight or freeze responses and provides tools to help you resolve these fixated states. SE is a body-oriented therapeutic model for resolving symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Training Assistant with Somatic Experiencing International.
IFS conceives every human being as a system of protected and wounded inner parts lead by a core Self. IFS helps folks heal via a non-pathologizing stance, believing the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. I am a level 1 IFS trained therapist.
I currently training in Intimacy from the Inside Out© (IFIO). IFIO is a model of relationship therapy that draws primarily from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy. It is an experiential model born out of a desire to carry the concepts of IFS into a relational setting and to use the intimate relationship itself as a vehicle for growth and healing for both the individual and between partners.
DARTT is process initially developed by Pia Mellody and expanded on by the Healing Our Core Issue Institute (HOCII) that maps of your developmental history, helps you to reparent your historical selves, and stand in your truth. It offers an experiential model of working with, and healing, family of origin and trauma issues. I completed HOCII’s 2 year training program.
RLT is an approach that helps couples move back into connection, work through infidelity and trust issues, increase intimacy, improve communication, and deepen relational integrity. At it’s core, RLT strives to help people move out of power over/under relational dynamics, make powerful insights, sustain lasting change, and integrate healthy new relational skills moment by moment in daily life. I am a certified Relational Life Therapist, Facilitator and Bootcamp Leader.